Proxies - Sauvage

Proxies - Sauvage


Proxies are a whole new form of beverage—not dealcoholized wine, but layered blends of juices, teas, spices, bitters, and more designed to pair with food and be enjoyed in your finest stemware, at your favorite restaurant. All the complexity, none of the alcohol.


Fruit - Green Apple, Sauvignon Blanc Grapes

Acidity - Verjus, Apple Vinegar

Spice - Spruce Tips, Cedar, Juniper, Caraway

Body - Bai Jian White Tea

A new form of flavor rooted firmly in the treasures of our Canadian home soil. Sauvage meshes crisp apples with green spruce tips and spicy cedar, blazing a trail through an untouched evergreen forest in the early spring. Canadian terroir in a glass, Sauvage works as a substitute for white wine, farmhouse cider, and herbal aperitifs.

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